Just what you needed after your kitesurfing lesson in Tarifa!
Welcome to the season we’ve all been eagerly waiting for! It’s time to shed the heavy jumpers, coats, and shoes, and embrace the freedom of walking barefoot on the sand, from one beach bar to another. That’s the true essence of life here in Tarifa. What’s better than having a cold drink after a nice kite lesson with Tarifa Max Kitesurfing School?
What’s a Chiringuito?
For those new to Tarifa, or Spain in general, you might be scratching your head at the term “chiringuito”. Worry not, because we’re here to enlighten you. A “chiringuito” is essentially a small establishment, typically found on the beach or nearby, dedicated to serving food and drinks. And lucky for us, Tarifa, with its expansive beaches and breathtaking landscapes, boasts an array of these beach bars, stretching from town all the way to Punta Paloma.
We’ve curated a list of the top 5 beach bars in Tarifa, each offering a unique experience to complement your kitesurfing adventure. Let’s dive in!
1. Tumbao
Located in Valdevaqueros, Tumbao is with no doubt one of the most famous chiringuitos between kitesurfers and non. This beach bar is a hot spot where people enjoy their drinks, well, “tumbao”(Andalusian slang for lying down). Party vibes for your after kitesurfing session while you enjoy the kite pros showing spectacular tricks and jumps. It could be hard to find parking during summer, so bear it in mind!
Thank us later for your new Instagram picture 😉

2. Chiringuito Agua Tarifa
If one thing is sure, is that you’ll be hungry after your kitesurf course. This chiringuito is located in Playa de Los Lances Norte, right in between the Kitesurf school and the free kite area. Just head over after your kite lesson for a cold drink and a delicious sandwich, you won’t be disappointed.
Even better at sunset: every day they’ll play the famous song Opus from Eric Prydz, and you’ll see people dancing to the countdown. You’ll never forget this feeling of freedom!

3. Waves Beach Bar
Neighbor to the before mentioned, Waves Beach Bar is located in Playa de Los Lances Norte, in front of the free kite area. This Chiringuito will surprise you with delicious meals and excellent DJ sets. All over the week party vibes with some DJs like Joss De Pfyffer and Patrick McCreanor, kite pros during the day, and DJ for the night.

4. Waikiki Tarifa – Beach Club Bar
Closer to the city center, Waikiki is an excellent choice for pre-dinner drinks, or to dance your soul away at sunset. Beautiful location with a privileged view of Morocco, here music plays a fundamental role. Every month they update their channels with new playlists; so you can bring a bit of Tarifa always with you! Head over the end of the wooden path for the famous picture sitting on the big bench overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

5. Carbones 13
Last but not the least, one of Tarifa Max Kitesurf School’s absolute favorites. Located in Playa de Los Lances, you can enjoy excellent food and music while enjoying the beautiful location and highly curated interior design. We love to go with our skateboards in the Paseo Maritimo all the way down to Carbones 13!

You’ll often find us eating our lunch in Agua in between kite lessons, come to say hello! We’re the ones with the orange T-Shirt 🙂

We hope you enjoyed our recommendations! If you’d like to know more, head over our guide to Tarifa Best Restaurants.
As always, we wish you good wind and good fun in Tarifa!